Eighth month milestones for your baby

Your baby is now ready to explore the big and exciting world. The world is full of exciting and interesting things for her. And she explores them with her ten little fingers. They are her tools. She grabs with them and also tries to pick things with her fingers, trying to pierce them.

With new inventions everyday, there will be a lot of messy work for you to clean all over the house. She will have started self feeding. Try giving her healthy food and let her experiment. Try crackers, bread, cooked pasta, small pea sized cheese, bits of cooked vegetables, etc. Do not give her anything which she might get choked with. Avoid nuts, popcorn and carrots.

She will also use her small hands to pass toys, shake them and also bang them. She may snatch anything from you which looks interesting to her; it may be a pen or even your earrings. And she will even want to taste it by putting it inside her mouth.

Babyโ€™s motor skills are tested now. She sits upright without any support and can push herself up on her tummy and sit by herself. Some babies crawl by this time and they enjoy moving all around the house on their bottoms. If your baby crawled fast, then by now she must have started standing up by pulling herself up the sofa and stand. It is your duty to encourage her. Arrange the sofa and other furniture in a row so that she can hold and walk. This is called cruising.

She must have started practicing on her consonants. Vocal chords are being used not. She may have started saying mama and papa. It is called babbling. But she will have you feel proud of it. Wait for the real thing to come in. So keep on talking to her. She will imitate your words.