Fourth month milestones for your baby

Great news for all moms who are tired! Now your baby will be mostly in a happy mood and sleep more at night. Baby is ready for conversation with everyone along with lots of laughter.

The baby’s head is propped and can raise her arms. If you take away her toy, she might turn to you and complain. Second round of immunizations are due. So ask her paediatrician about it. And also remember to ask her about what solids to give her to eat.

As the baby turns four months old, she recognizes her voice. There are more giggles and cackles which shows her sense of humour. Through everyday conversation she learns the building blocks of language. She can understand all the native sounds and will start producing them. She will start on consonants like a-ba and a-da. To daddy’s delight, she will also say da-da-da-da. Keep up the running commentary as the baby is eager to speak with you.

Along with her vocal progress, there are new physical developments too. She grab toys, imitated turtle on its back, cries when you take her toys, and many more. She may find her feet tasty. She will try to push her head and chest up when you put her on your tummy. This is a good exercise for her as she builds her muscles to sit down. If she has a good neck propping, try making her sit with the help of cushions. If it’s too early for her, she will slip sideward’s. If she starts fussing, then she is uncomfortable. Try making her sit later on.

Doing all this will make her tired, and she will sleep peacefully throughout the night or up to six hours at a stretch. Encourage her to sleep as per routine. Try reading her a story or a song at bedtime.