Ninth month milestones for your baby

Your baby’s language ladder must have started by now. Every since she was born, she has been trying to express herself. And it is now in the ninth month that finally she has started recognising sounds and some gestures and tries to express her demands. Her jibber-jabber means that she is on her way to speak. If you listen to her carefully, you will understand that she is sounding somewhat like your sentences. Talk to her frequently and encourage her. She can understand everything you are telling her. She may surprise you by saying “I am hungry”.

She even makes gestures imitating you which she has seen you do. If she is familiar to sign language, she will be able to tell you she is hungry by tapping her fingertips near her mouth. Some baby’s even manage clapping and doing bye-bye properly.

Your baby is now maturing. So she may become clingy to you or may also glue on to you when you are leaving. These are signs of maturity. She can distinguish between her mother and father and anyone who comes close to her. She may need some more time to give warm welcome to newcomers.

She will cry when you leave. But that does not mean you should sneak off to work without saying bye to her. It is fine if you leave her crying with the babysitter. She will be happy again after you leave and will be busy with her toys. And when you are back, be ready to get a warm welcome by your little one.

She will now outgrow her rattles and teethers and will want bigger stuffs now. She will now master opening the door, pushing buttons, switching levers, grabing knobs and much more. But she will still love her teddy.