First month milestones for your new baby

Finally your wait is over. Your baby is in your arms. Congratulations! You must be nervous as the parenthood sets in. Not to worry, as everything will come to you naturally.

The most important thing with your baby is to love your child, and this will come naturally. So, now let us talk about the development of the baby in the first month. The baby looks weird after living for nine months in your uterus. The baby may drop about five to ten percent of her body weight before she starts gaining weight.

Baby, who is one month old, leads a simple life of eating, peeing, pooping and sleeping. She will cry a lot. The best way to cope up with the crying baby is to understand her needs. Your challenge is to understand whether the baby is hungry or uncomfortable. The umbilical cord may take some more time to fall and heal up.

In the second week of the baby, there is an increase in appetite and you will have to keep up to her hunger demands. Along with an increase of appetite and weight, the baby is also gaining muscle control and movements become more graceful. Around 15 to 20 percent of newborns have colic problems because of which they cry a lot. It is tough to fight with colic. Just make sure that the baby is not too cold or hot. When she cries, lift her.

By the third week you will be able to decode her crying and demands. Life becomes easy for both of you. The baby will become ready for complex shapes and concentration and vision improves daily. Due to small digestive system, there might be spit-up. But itโ€™s okay.

By the end of the first month, your baby grunts, gurgles and tries to chat with you. Encourage her by communicating with her. There will be plenty of sneezes and hiccups. She discovers her fingers and toes as her toys and it will bring her comfort.