Sixth month milestones for your baby

Your baby is half way through her first year. It is time now for new adventures. She may have started sitting on her own, eating food and may even have her first tooth. She will be trying all ways to communicate with you. She will want more attention. So stop talking on your phone and give the baby time.

At the sixth month, the baby can roll back to front and front to back. Very soon she will start crawling. She enjoys at a standing position and bounces up and down. This helps to strengthen her leg muscles to prepare for walking. It acts like a workout for her. She can hold herself upright if she is at sitting position. She loves to grab everything and puts into her mouth. Give her lots of chewy toys as she is now in the stage of putting everything inside her mouth.

Her language skills are improving day by day. Though she is not ready to speak, she enjoys making all kinds of sounds and tries to imitate everything she hears. This is the communication skills which are getting ripe and its time to teach her sign language. She will explain things with her hands and will try and explain you things like more, milk, eat, etc. Do not be surprised if you hear her sing.

Make room for your child on the dinning table. It is time for her to sit and eat with you. She can eat solids safely. Do not pay much attention to whether she actually eats or not because her nutrients are completed with breast milk. These meals are only for learning. But do give her healthy food. Do not try giving her junk food. Try and inculcate eating habits like biting, chewing and swallowing.